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The '68 Camaro Between Kenickie and Me (Pacifica Academy Drama Book 2) Read online

Page 9

  Not a fair label. A label that made me grit my teeth. But the thought of ending our silly trivia game made me feel empty. Like I’d miss out on something extraordinary.

  Right or wrong, I liked…loved…that I could be me with Shane Easton.

  I stood outside my open locker and shielded my phone from other kids at their lockers.

  I’d found a question online last night, and though he and Maddie weren’t getting along at all, I first needed to ask him something I should’ve on Monday.

  So I have a quiz for you. But…should we be doing this?

  I, trembling at what his response might be, set my phone down on the shelf in my locker.

  I’d started unloading my backpack to make room for the books I needed this morning when my phone vibrated and lit up with his response.

  I hesitated before picking my phone back up.

  Why not? Are you having fun?

  I sighed and my trembling settled down.

  Of course, he’d answered my question with questions of his own.

  I replied, Yeah. I’m having a lot of fun. You?

  I finished loading up my bag and his reply appeared in our thread.

  Yeah. So ask me your question. You left me hanging yesterday.

  And I guess those were my answers.

  Fine. If he didn’t think our trivia texting was a big deal, I wouldn’t, either.

  I re-read his message, then looked all around to see if I could catch a glimpse of him in the hallway. But I didn’t see him, which meant he had to already be in class.

  I remembered the question I found while I should’ve been studying my math notes.

  Since you know so much about Oldsmobile muscle cars, what does 442 stand for?

  The number being their line of popular and powerful cars back then. I had a feeling he’d know this one, too, but it would take him time to tap out his answer.

  I headed for class and his too-fast reply hit.

  Do I really have to type all that out?

  I bit my lower lip as a way to fight my ridiculous, crush sick smile.

  So lazy, Kenickie.

  When I reached American Government, I paused outside the classroom. I couldn’t walk in there smiling and texting Shane with Quinn and Warren inside. Their questions would totally ruin this moment.

  Class is starting, Sunshine.

  How convenient. And you’ll owe me an answer.

  I straightened and pressed my lips together to get rid of my smile. Time to be that Natalie.

  Chapter 13

  Are you in the library again?

  I frowned at Ella’s text as everyone settled around me in desks with their lunches at our normal place in the back of Ms. Simmons’s classroom.

  I kept my phone down and paused before replying. I intentionally didn’t tell her and Quinn about our lunch meeting today.

  Yes. Studying. Why?

  “Thanks for letting us meet in here for lunch,” Warren said to Ms. Simmons. “The cafeteria is way too noisy and we have a lot to talk about before the break.”

  She smiled. “You’re welcome. How’s the poll you told me about?”

  “I got all of them back,” he said to her and us. “Just gotta go through the answers and put it all together so we can show it to Mr. Yates. I was thinking the Friday after the break?”

  I nodded my okay with everyone else, and my phone buzzed with Ella’s reply.

  What the hell, Natalie. We wanted to talk about our idea for the routine.

  I rolled my eyes, because I so didn’t want to deal with Ella and her routine. I still couldn’t understand how they’d be able to put something good together with them being gone the entire break. School started back the first Monday of April; the competition less than two weeks later.

  I had to tell them to find someone else. I’d blame it on my mother and being grounded. They were also my best friends and wouldn’t stay mad at me forever about this. Or would they?

  I closed out text messaging and dropped my phone in my lap.

  “Next question,” Warren said. “Is anyone going to be gone for the break?”

  “Dad and his girlfriend have to work.” This from Kassidy. “But Justin will be here. And he really can’t go anywhere because of soccer.”

  “Same with Nate and baseball,” Jade added. “My parents wanted to go somewhere but I talked them out of it.” She giggled. “Everything with Nate still feels so new. I can’t leave him.”

  Bitchy Natalie would’ve rolled her eyes at hearing this. But this Natalie, sitting here with her club members, totally understood. Even though I liked a boy I shouldn’t like.

  “My sister’s coming home from school. With her newest boyfriend,” Meg said. “But I might go to Stinson Beach for a couple days with Owen and his family.”

  My phone buzzed with another text. I stared at his message.

  Okay, Sunshine. I’m back. And with a question.

  I hadn’t heard from him since yesterday morning. Also known as the main reason for my crappy mood. I’d, like a total moron, checked my phone a bazillion times and for nothing. I’d also spent way too much time wondering if it had anything to do with Maddie since they still weren’t sitting together at lunch. But I guess not.

  The hurt from him disappearing for so long—something I had no business feeling—caused my snarky, I’m not answering. On the grounds you never answered my question.


  I looked up to see eight pairs of eyes watching me.

  Warren gave me his stink eye, then said, “You’re always gone during the break, right?”

  “Not this time. And I have good news.” I smiled. “I won’t be grounded as of Friday after school.” Warren gave me a sideways hug. Everyone else smiled and clapped. But fear of this somehow getting back to Ella and Quinn made me ask, “Can we keep it between us? Please?”

  Warren, Kassidy and Meg exchanged confused frowns, but then slowly nodded and shrugged along with everyone else.

  Yeah, sorry about that. Yesterday was not a good day.

  Well…crap. I guess I shouldn’t have been pissy with him. But what could’ve happened? More drama with Maddie?

  “What happens in the club stays in the club,” Lexi said.

  I yanked my eyes from my phone to send her and everyone a thank you smile.

  “I’m not going anywhere, either,” Lexi mumbled. “Which is fine with me since my parents are driving me crazy.” She shook her head. “So it sounds like everyone is going to be here next week?”

  I asked him, Is everything okay?

  I caught Paige, Alisha and Erin nod after I sent my text.

  “Fabulous,” Warren said. “Now, let’s talk about the competition. I signed us up as ‘Warren and Friends.’”

  It will be. And I know I owe you an answer.

  So what are you waiting for, Kenickie?

  “I have good news, too.” Lexi leaned forward. “My aunt is my dance teacher and her studio is here in the city. I told her about the competition and asked her if we could use her studio to rehearse when she’s not using it. And she said yes.”

  Relief and surprise in the form of laughter filled our tight circle.

  Where we would rehearse hadn’t even crossed my mind. Getting to the rehearsals from Sausalito would be a challenge since I couldn’t drive myself. Hopefully my grandparents wouldn’t mind taking me if I explained everything to them. And begged.

  “Wow, Lexi. That was awesome of you.” Jade laughed. “This will be so much fun.”

  There was a quick knock at Ms. Simmons’s door. I turned—my eyes grew and my mouth opened as J.R., Owen and Shane walked into the room.

  What the hell was he doing here? He couldn’t be here because of…me. Or was he—

  “Hey, can we talk to you guys for a sec?” J.R. asked.

  I tried not to look at Shane, but his wicked smile had magnetic strength. It seemed only for me, and the sparks between us fired my insides.

  Oh…this really wasn’t good. At all

  “How long is it going to take?” Warren asked. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  I dragged my eyes from Shane to focus on J.R. and Owen.

  “We wanted to tell you we got the last spot for the competition.”

  J.R. spoke so fast I wasn’t sure I heard him right. No one else looked certain, either.

  “You three,” Meg slowly said, “are going to be in the competition? Together?”

  They nodded, and Meg burst into laughter.

  But Kassidy, not laughing or smiling and looking straight at her boyfriend, said, “You’re going to compete against us? Why on earth would you do something like that?”

  “Kass, it’s not what you think.” J.R. stepped forward. “We were going to surprise all of you and be a part of your group. But Mr. Yates told us Mrs. Chaplin and Mr. Lowry don’t want more than ten kids on stage. Something about protecting the Grease set and props.”

  Okay. I had to admit what he said sounded pretty sweet. And everyone else’s expressions, including Kassidy’s, softened. But why would Shane want to be a part of this? Us?

  “We still wanted to be in the competition,” Owen added. “To support you. Shane heard us talking in class about it and now the three of us are in it.”

  Silence followed.

  What could we say to that? They seemed so genuine. And it looked like Kassidy and Meg wanted to leap over the desks and throw their arms around J.R. and Owen. But Owen’s explanation didn’t explain why Shane had decided to be in the competition with them. Then again, it’s not like he wasn’t used to performing in front of the entire school. Of course he’d be up for being in this competition.

  I peeked at him and our eyes caught. He smiled, but this one held more…affection.

  And there came another round of sparks.

  I bit my lower lip to stop my smile and looked away.

  “Owen, this is really, really sweet,” Meg said. “But you can’t dance.”

  I laughed along with everyone else. I think I even heard Ms. Simmons laugh.

  “I know,” he mumbled, then shrugged. “But I still want to do this.”

  “I can teach you a few things.” Shane spoke for the first time. “Between me and J.R., I think we can stop you from tripping over your feet and falling off the stage.”

  More laughter filled the room.

  “Actually,” Warren stated, “something like that could really work to our advantage.”

  There were moans, and Meg threw her apple at him, which he barely caught.

  “I’m with Meg.” Erin rested her chin on her right fist and gazed at the three boys. “You guys are soooo sweet.”

  Bitchy Natalie would’ve rolled her eyes at that, too. But we had to stick together.

  She was also right.

  “So you’re not mad?” J.R. asked Kassidy while giving her a crooked smile.

  She, all but glowing, shook her head. She then focused on Shane. “But you are absolutely not to make all of you look that good.”

  He gave her a quick nod.

  “Now get out of here.” Warren shooed them off. “We’ve got planning to do.”

  J.R. and Owen turned to leave, but Shane walked right to me.

  “I have to tell her something first.”

  My pulse accelerated when he leaned down. Our heads were inches apart. And of course he smelled like his yummy body wash. It probably had a silly name. Like Ocean Hottie.

  I felt all eyes on us as he said, “Four, four, two. Four-barrel carburetor, four-speed transmission and dual exhaust.” He gave me that smile and straightened. “See ya guys later.”

  He passed J.R. and Owen who, like everyone else, stared at me—us—with wide eyes.

  My face burned under their scrutiny.

  Had Shane lost his mind?

  “What did he say to you?” Alisha asked once the boys left.

  “It sounded like another language,” Lexi said as she twirled a strand of her hair with two fingers. “But the way he said it was kinda…hot.”

  Paige looked at me. “I thought you two hated each other.”

  I stared at my desk, while wanting to fan the heat from my face.

  Had he really just done that?

  Warren nudged me. “What was that all about, Madame Veep?”

  “Nothing.” I laughed and managed to pull yet another lie right out of my ass. “It has to do with Grease.” I rolled my eyes. “And the car, Greased Lighting. So not a big deal.”

  Everyone but two members accepted my answer and shrugged it off. The eye rolling I’m sure helped. But Kassidy and Warren’s eyes were still filled with questions. And suspicion.

  I sighed and said, “Look, lunch is going to be over soon. We haven’t even started talking about a song or a rehearsing schedule.”

  As I hoped, what I said took the attention off of me. But Shane would hear about this.

  “She’s right.” Kassidy yanked her eyes off me. “We need to get focused.”

  “Since we haven’t been able to agree on songs,” Warren declared, “I decided to pull rank and choose for us.” He glanced at all of us and seemed to be daring us to challenge him.

  I stayed quiet since we did need to get this figured out.

  “I’ve chosen a Panic! At the Disco song.”

  Okay. I liked that band.

  “So listen to my idea. Because I really think we’ll be unbeatable.”

  Chapter 14

  I had almost made it to the stairs when I heard two familiar voices call my name.

  I stopped and took a deep breath before turning to face Ella and Quinn.

  “Are you avoiding us?” Ella asked, her voice edgy with irritation.

  Yes, I wanted to say. I’m avoiding you and the lies I can’t stop saying. “No. I just need to be outside when my mom gets here.” Sort’ve not a lie.

  “We missed you at lunch,” Quinn tried. “We’ve got the song and routine figured out. We need to talk to you about it.” She laughed. “There’s no way we can’t win.”

  Her words might as well have been a noose around my neck. I had to tell them. Especially now that we had our song and a rehearsing schedule. We’d, working around everyone’s plans for the break, decided to start rehearsing Tuesday and Thursday of next week. But Lexi still had to okay it with her aunt. And I’d left the meeting feeling Warren might be right. That we would be unbeatable.

  My phone buzzed inside my sweater pocket. I knew who it had to be since I’d avoided answering the trivia question he’d texted at the end of lunch. Shane’s attention, for that brief moment before he, J.R. and Owen left the classroom, had been way too obvious.

  I’d deal with him later. First, I had to get out of this. So I reached for some truth. “Guys,” I said as I pushed a lock of hair behind my right ear, “I don’t want to let you down. But you should do the routine yourselves or find someone else.”

  Quinn’s face fell with disappointment.

  Ella’s, on the other hand, hardened. “Did you even try talking to your mom about your stupid grounding?”

  I, looking her straight in the eyes, said, “Yes. And she wouldn’t budge. She’s really pissed at me right now.” It was scary how good I’d gotten at this lying thing.

  Quinn’s disappointment changed to sympathy. “Is she still making you stay here for the break? Even though it’s your birthday?”

  I nodded at my other lie.

  Ella, still giving me her angry bitch face, crossed her arms. “That’s great, Nat. You choose now to start being some kind of rebel. We planned the routine for three people.”

  My temper snapped. “Ella, I’m sorry. What else do you want me to say? I didn’t get grounded to screw up your campaign. I was grounded, first. Remember?”

  A tense silence settled inside our small circle. All around us students walked by. The noise level in the school’s hallways seemed at full volume with spring break one day away.

  My phone buzzed again. I wanted to run from here to some place quiet and text him back. He, wit
h the exception of my club members, being the only other person at school who made me feel…normal. Happy. And at this second, I didn’t care if my feelings were wrong.

  Ella’s face transformed into something resembling compassion. But her eyes were still hard. “You’re right. It’s not your fault you can’t help me out right now.”

  Something about her words stung. Probably guilt that I could help her. If I wanted.

  Ella glanced at Quinn. “No big deal. We’ll find someone else.” She slid her eyes back to me. “I won’t be at school tomorrow. But follow me on Snapchat while I’m in New York.” She blew us a kiss, and darted around me and down the stairs.

  Quinn reached out and squeezed my right hand. “We’ll find someone else, she’ll win, and she’ll get over it.”

  I didn’t respond since I didn’t feel her confidence.

  “I won’t be at school tomorrow, either,” she continued. “But I’ll check in with you while we’re gone. I’ll see you on Snapchat, too.”

  She headed back in the direction of her locker, and I sluggishly went down the stairs.

  I thought I’d feel better telling them what little truth I had, but the guilt wouldn’t let me go. I’d have to tell them the complete truth once we were back from the break.

  Warren said he wanted to keep our involvement in the competition secret for as long as possible. I trusted my club members to keep quiet. But what if J.R. or Owen or now Shane let something slip to their friends? Even if by accident? What about Nate and Paige’s boyfriend? Hopefully they’d all been sworn to secrecy. I couldn’t imagine the consequences if Ella found out before I’d had a chance to say anything. Her fury would rival an F5 tornado. And would she forgive me and get over it?

  At least I had over a week to prepare myself for that shitty conversation.

  I walked outside and sidestepped fellow students talking in groups and waiting to be picked up. I then gave the pick-up zone a half-assed glance. When I didn’t see my mother’s SUV, I walked farther from the entrance and took out my phone.

  I read his first recent message, I’m still waiting for my answer, Sunshine. I then read the second one, Are you pissed at me?